Trends in HIV associated TB in Benin city Nigeria


Objectives: To determine the trend in sero prevalence of HIV- associated Tuberculosis (TB)in Benin City Nigeria From 1990-1999. Patients suffering from HIV infection are prone to attack by various organisms because their highly compromised immune system. Treatment of TB has been of serious worry to Clinical Bacteriologist. Therefore to be co-infected with the dreaded HIV/AIDS compounds the health problem of such patients. Quarantining such patients is a faster way of treatment and prevention of spread of the disease to others. The documentation of such cases becomes of public health advantage both for epidemiological and statistical details. Methods: A prospective record was kept of a who presented of symptoms suggestive of TB at the health centers. Patients confirmed to be TB infected by presence of acid and alcohol fast bacilli (AAFB) by Zieh (ZN)il Zeihl Nielsen staining method, of their sputa were screened for -HIV anti bodies Result: These study revealed a rising trend in HIV and TB co-infection from 0% in 1990, 1992 to 2% in 1993/1994 and 1999 the prevalence has increased to 3.5 from 2.8% in 1998. More males than females were infected with a ration of 1.5:1. The highest prevalence was observed among individuals aged 20-49 years. Conclusion: Our presentation, highlighted the magnitude of the problem with HIV associated TB infection in this city. Within the period under review.