Selection of wheat genotypes for end drought tolerance at presence of potassium humate


Potassium humate increases crop quality and tolerance of plant to stresses such as drought. An investigation was conducted for study on contribution of stem reserves in winter wheat yield against end drought at presence of potassium humate. This research was done by split plot on the basis of completely randomized block design with three replications. Main factor was with stress and without stress at presence or lack of potassium humate; and sub factor was genotypes. Under study characters were included maximum stem dry weight after anthesis, stem dry weight at maturity, remobilized assimilates from stem to grain, relative contribution of stem reserves in yield and grain yield. Results showed that different conditions of this experiment had significant differences for maximum stem dry weight after anthesis and grain yield. But, there weren’t significant differences between other characters. Wheat genotypes had significant differences for maximum stem dry weight after anthesis, remobilized assimilates from stem to grain and relative contribution of stem reserves in yield. Potassium humate decreased relative contribution of stem reserves in yield by 6.18 %, and increased grain yield by 45.8 % in normal irrigated condition. And, decreased stem reserves by 5.34 %, and increased grain yield by 50.4 % in drought condition.