Increase in Diabetes Mellitus increases incidence of its Microvascular


Increase in Diabetes Mellitus increases incidence of its Microvascular

Increase in Diabetes Mellitus increases incidence of its Microvascular complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic kidney disease (DKD), neuropathy, stroke and cardio vascular diseases (CVD). Advanced glycation end products promotes Type 2 Diabetes to its major Microvascular complication; diabetic kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy leading to increase in expression of sirtuin1; a regulatory protein mediating deacetylation of histone proteins. In addition to diet and nutrition, environmental changes may increase incidence of disorders, one such factor considered in this study is Fluoride. Objective: Estimation of Sirtuin1 in type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic kidney disease and interpreting the outcome by diabetic profiling of patients with controls. Participants: 150 study subjects were recruited for this cross- sectional study divided into 3groups with 50 subjects in each group. Methods: Diabetic and renal profiling was carried by fully automated analyzer available in our hospital facility, eGFR was calculated, sirtuin1 and CML were measured by ELISA, serum and urine fluoride were estimated by Ion Selective Electrode. Results: Significant differences observed in FBS, PPBS and CML of deceased with controls. Least median of sirt1 was observed in diabetic nephropathy (36.9). Also, urine and serum fluoride levels were proportionally balanced in group 1& 2 in contrast with group 3 [0.28 (0.2- 0.54) & 0.2 (0.15- 0.26)]. Conclusion: Decrease in Sirtuin1 in group 3 may be due to chronic hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in diabetes hence, further research on large cohort may aid considering sirtuin1 as a biomarker or therapeutic target in aging disorders.



Editorial Assistant
Pancreatic Disorder and Therapy