Camp Response Element Binding protein


Camp Response Element Binding protein

CREB-binding protein (CBP) is a known transcriptional coactivator and an acetyltransferase that functions in several cellular processes by regulating gene expression. However, how it functions in plant immunity remains unexplored. By characterizing hac701, we demonstrate that HAC701 negatively regulates the immune responses in rice. hac701 show enhanced disease resistance against a bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. oryzae (Pso), which causes bacterial halo blight of rice. Our transcriptomic analysis revealed that rice WRKY45, one of the main regulators of rice immunity, is upregulated in hac701 and possibly conferring the resistance phenotype against Pso. The morphological phenotypes of hac701 single mutants were highly similar to WRKY45 overexpression transgenic lines reported in previous studies. In addition, differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in hac701 largely overlap with genes when WRKY45 is overexpressed and chemically induced transiently. When we investigated for cis-elements found 1kb upstream of WRKY45 gene and WRKY45-dependent DEGs, we found that WRKY45 promoter contains the CRE motif, a possible target of HAC701-mediated regulation. Genome-wide H3K9 acetylation profiling showed depletion of acetylation at large set of genes in hac701. However, consistent with the upregulation of WRKY45 gene expression, our ChIP-sequencing analysis demonstrated that regions of WRKY45 promoter are enriched in H3K9 acetylation in hac701 compared to the segregated wild type control. Finally, we show that HAC701 may have roles in systemic immune signaling. We therefore propose that wild type HAC701 negatively regulates WRKY45 gene expression, thereby suppressing immune responses.


Alex John
Editorial Assistant
Immunotherapy Open Access