Atypical Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) in Eclampsia in Primigravida with Twin Pregnancy: A Case Report


Journal of Surgery and Anaesthesia is a peer reviewed, open access journal dedicated to publishing research on all aspects of surgery and anaesthesia. This journal aims to keep anaesthesiologists, anaesthetic practitioners, surgeons and surgical researchers up to date by publishing clinical & evidence based research. This scientific Journal leads the specialty in promotion of original research by providing immediate open access to all articles after publication. Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia addresses all aspects of surgery & anesthesia practice, including anesthetic administration, pharmacokinetics, preoperative and postoperative considerations, coexisting disease and other complicating factors, General Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, GI Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Surgical Oncology, Radiology, Ophthalmology, Pediatric Surgery, Trauma Services, Minimal Access Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Techniques and Procedures, Preoperative and Postoperative Patient Management, Complications in Surgery and New Developments in Instrumentation and technology related to surgery, Intra-Operative Regional Anesthesia Administration Techniques, Peri-Operative Pain, Obstetric Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Outcome Studies and Associated Complications, etc.

We are sharing one of the most cited article from our journal. Article entitled “Atypical Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) in Eclampsia in Primigravida with Twin Pregnancy: A Case Report” was well written by Dr. Madhu A Chavan.


“Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome” (PRES) is a clinico-neuroradiological syndrome of heterogeneous etiologies. The syndrome is characterized by headache, visual disturbances, altered consciousness, seizure disorder, focal neurological signs, lethargy, nausea/vomiting. When areas of brain other than parieto-occipital region are predominantly involved, the syndrome is called atypical PRES, which is a rare clinical entity. The global incidence of PRES is unknown, but high in patients with eclampsia. PRES is a reversible condition but can be fatal. Delay in diagnosis and treatment can lead to cerebral ischemia or haemorrhage leading to permanent neurological damage. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) remains gold standard for diagnosis. Here we report anaesthesia management of emergency caesarean delivery of twins in primigravida woman with Atypical PRES in eclampsia without any neurological deficit.

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Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia.


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